ROMA, 28 th – 29 th November 2019
presso Hotel Donna Camilla Savelli
Prof. Alfredo Pontecorvi
Professor of Endocrinology
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome
Prof.ssa Laura De Marinis
Coordinatore Scientifico del Master Universitario di II Livello in diagnosi e terapia delle patologie
ipotalamo ipofisarie – Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, Roma
Dott. Antonio Bianchi, Dott.ssa Antonella Giampietro
Dr. Massimiliano Andrioli, Sabrina Chiloiro, Dr. Domenico Milardi, Dr.ssa Serena Piacentini, Chiara Bima, Giuseppe Grande, Dr.ssa Marilda Mormando, Linda Tartaglione
UOS di Patologia Ipotalamo-Ipofisaria, Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, Roma
Hotel Donna Camilla Savelli
Via Garibaldi, 27 – Roma – Tel. 06 588861
ECM 680 – 275782
Assegnati n. 12 Crediti Formativi ECM
L’evento rientra nel piano formativo ECM 2019 della DOTCOM s.r.l. ed è rivolto alle figure professionali di
Infermiere e di Medico – Chirurgo per le seguenti discipline: Anatomia Patologica, Chirurgia Generale,
Endocrinologia, Gastroenterologia, Genetica Medica, Malattie Metaboliche e Diabetologia, Medicina Interna,
Medicina Nucleare, Neurochirurgia, Neuroradiologia, Oftalmologia, Otorinolaringoiatria, Patologia Clinica
(Laboratorio di Analisi Chimico- Cliniche e Microbiologia), Radiodiagnostica, Radioterapia.
L’iscrizione è gratuita e potrà essere effettuata inviando un email al seguente indirizzo:
L’accesso in aula è riservato ai primi 100 partecipanti. Si ricorda che l’attestazione dei crediti ottenuti è subordinata
alla partecipazione del 90% della durata dei lavori, alla compilazione della scheda di valutazione
dell’evento e al superamento della prova di apprendimento (questionario, almeno 75% risposte esatte).
Documentazione Clinica. Percorsi Clinico-Assistenziali Diagnostici e Riabilitativi, Profili di Assistenza –
Profili di Cura.
Pituitary neuroendocrine tumour (Pit-NET) represents a complex disease. The clinicalmanifestations of Pit-NETs are multiple and heterogeneous, according to the ability of secretingdifferent hormones or pro-hormones and of invading the neighbouring anatomical structures, such as the same pituitary gland, the optical chiasm, the cavernous sinus, the bone, thethird ventricle and the ventricular system. In the most recent years, a better definition of these neoplasia was researched in order to identify biomarkers able to predict the natural history of Pit-NET and their responsiveness to the different treatments.
Until now, the classifications of the neoplasms arising from adeno-hypophysial cells have been misleading because of their poor reproducibility and their weak ability in predicting the aggressiveness, the prognosis, and the outcome of these neoplasia. The 2004 WHO classification distinguished pituitary adenoma in typical and atypical ones according to the detection of mitoses and according to the expression of Ki-67 or p53. The 2004 WHO classification however failed in identifying pituitary tumours refractory to medical, surgical or radiation therapies or able to regrowth or to metastasize. Similarly, the new 2017 WHO classification lacks in defining the prognosis of pituitary neoplasia. Invasive, recurrent and proliferative pituitary neoplasia cause significant morbidity, in particular in cases of persistence hormonal hyper-secretion. Both long term hormonal hyper-secretion and hypopituitarism, in absence of an adequate hormonal replacement therapy, are associated to increased morbidity and mortality for their systemic complications.
Therefore, recently, pituitary adenomas were recognised as neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). This new terminology of pituitary neuroendocrine tumor (PitNET) reflects better the potential for aggressiveness and malignant behaviour and of these neoplasia. On this basis, in the recent years, a wide number of research investigated the genetic, molecular and biological features of PitNET, in order to predict the clinical behaviour of these neoplasia. The current event, has the aim of updating participants on the latest biological, genetic and clinical acquisitions on PitNET and on their impact in the management of PitNet affected patients. The meeting is part of the teaching activities of the Master Degree in Diagnosis and Treatment of pituitary disease (2019) – Faculty of Medicine, Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome.

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Tel. 06 4061370 | Fax 06 3242600
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